Tree Brush Pile Pick Up

Midwest Tree Care And Services LLC

Tree Brush Pile Pick-up


Does your yard resemble that of a tropical jungle scene from Tarzan? Do you sometimes wish you had superpowers to clear your massive brush pile? Worry no more.

A short explanation about brush piles - they are large piles of tree branches, sticks, twigs, etc. Brush piles are built with large logs with spaces large enough to fit wildlife animals like squirrels, chipmunks, mice, raccoons, rabbits, skunks, etc.

Brush piles include branches, grasses, twigs, out-of-season Christmas trees, leftover tree cuttings, limbs, etc. Having brush piles in your front yard or surrounding can give your home an unsightly look, so you must get rid of it often.

Midwest Tree Care And Services LLC is the best tree service company to contact when you want to get rid of brush piles around your vicinity. We offer various tree services like tree trimming, pruning, and brush pile pickup, amongst many others.

We can haul all sorts of logs, underbrush, tree branches, etc., with expertise and ease. One major disadvantage of brush piles is that they can harbor rodents, snakes, fleas, and ticks, which can sneak into your home.

Furthermore, brush piles can lead to wildfire spread. The most concerning part of having a brush pile is that it alerts the world that you are a procrastinator and don't like soiling your hands with dirt.

Since none of this is true about you, it's high time you get rid of all the brush piles around you. Midwest Tree Care And Services LLC use large trailers to get rid of brush piles from your property.

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What To Do With Your Brush Piles

Aside from hiring Midwest Tree Care And Services LLC to handle your tree brush pile pickup, there are other alternatives you can try out.

1. Hugelkultur Mounds.

I know you are wondering what this means; let's explain. A hugelkultur mound is a layered mound that comprises every natural organic element.

It provides the most diverse and simultaneous benefits to your environment. The base layer of a vast hugelkultur mound is filled with large decomposing logs, topped with branches and smaller twigs.

It is further topped with little organic matter like straw, leaves, or grass trimmings. It is then finally topped with topsoil and compost. All of these toppings create a nutrient-rich pile that decomposes with time.

There are two benefits of the hugelkultur mound that causes them to last for many years. They are;

  • Once the mound is done decomposing, you will be left with nutrient-dense and rich humus that you can spread around your property to sustain the health of your soil. Awesome right?
  • You can grow vegetables on your hugelkultur mound immediately; this is something you can't do if your brush pile gets burnt. Additionally, you can keep planting manually as your mound decomposes. 

If you are not up for this option, contact Midwest Tree Care And Services LLC to clear up all your brush piles.

2. Repair Damaged Soil.

Your brush acts like an oversized mulch and can be used to repair any damaged soil. As your brush decomposes, it brings back a massive amount of nutrients to the ground since the branches and leaves are the nutrient-rich part of your tree.

Our expert advisors at Midwest Tree Care And Services LLC recommend you evaluate your yard and locate the areas that need help in the nutrient division.

When your yard becomes less dense due to clearing, more rain can reach the ground causing the brushes to stabilize your soil.

Furthermore, the brush pile covers the ground from direct and harsh sunlight, which will, in turn, prevent the burning off of nutrients and also provide a better microclimate for new and better growth.

We understand that you might not like the sight of random brushes thrown around your yard; we suggest speeding up the process. What you should do is; seed a nitrogen-fixing plant like native wildflowers or clover under your brush pile.

Doing this will help your brush turn into a combined part of your yard as all the cover plants grow out through the brush pile and simultaneously collect rich nutrients from your brush as it decomposes.

3. Create A Home For Wildlife.

Brush piles are excellent ways to provide shelter for wildlife, "Did you know that wildlife thrives where an opening is available to use as shelter? Brush piles offer different elements for wildlife; let's look at a few;


A brush pile is perfect for wildlife in times of harsh weather. For example, during winter, our birds need protection at all costs. If you do not have mature & evergreen trees/ shrubs on your property that birds can use as a protective cover, you can place evergreen foliage over your brush pile to create a dry interior that birds can safely roost in.


Brush pile creates a safe sanctuary for wildlife. Small mammals, salamanders, birds, and turtles all need a helping hand. You can adequately build your brush pile so it can provide a safe place for this wildlife to hide from its predators.

If the wildlife option is not ideal for you or any of those mentioned above, you can contact us to get rid of all your brush piles efficiently.

At Midwest Tree Care And Services LLC, we get rid of woody vines, branches, and limbs that are up to a maximum of 15 feet in length and 6 inches in diameter. Once you contact us, we will be at your location in no time to get rid of them all.

Benefits Of Using Midwest Tree Care And Services LLC Tree Brush Pile Pick-Up

1. Maintenance.

Once Midwest Tree Care And Services LLC clears up all the brush piles in your yard, maintaining it will become much more manageable. For example, areas that may have overgrown bushes and trees and have denied access to other parts of your yard.

Once we care for your brush pile, you can ensure a clean and manicured yard.

2. Safe From Wildfire.

During dry or hot summers, wildfires can occur at any time. Some warm environments are thriving areas for wildfire to begin and spread. Dead leaves, dry plants, and wood can allow the fire to burn and destroy any place.

Contacting us to clear your tree brush pile often will keep your household and neighbors safe in any event of a fire. Remember, a clean and tidy yard gives little room for fire to start and spread.

At Midwest Tree Care And Services LLC, we provide professional tree brush pile clearing and pick-up services that save you time, money, and worry.

With our exquisite equipment and machinery, we can get rid of any brush pile and any other tree service you want. Contact us now to get a quote.

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